It’s as easy as ABC!

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Antecedent. Behavior. Consequence.

Whether your child is on the spectrum or not, every parent has experienced a tantrum. Sometimes, the reason is obvious, like saying no to a toy. Other times, you probably feel like it comes out of no where. For children on the spectrum, this can happen often, leaving parents feeling clueless as to what set their child off or how to prevent it. That is were the ABC’s of behavior come in.

When you notice a pattern of behavior, whether its something simple as stomping a foot or something bigger like throwing their whole body on the Wal-Mart floor, take a step back and try to figure out what is occurring before and immediately after the behavior. Doing so will help you know when that behavior is going to occur, how to try to reduce/prevent it, and what is maintaining that behavior.


  • Antecedent

    • This is what happens directly before the behavior occurs.

  • Behavior

  • Consequence

    • This is what happens immediately after the behavior (reprimand, praise, time out, high five, etc.)

Let’s look at an example!

  1. While standing in line at the grocery store, your child ask you for some candy. You say no. They start crying and screaming. You give them the candy. They get quite.

  2. Antecedent-you said no to candy. Behavior-crying and screaming. Consequence-you give them the candy.

  3. Now that you know the ABC’s, you can start to make some changes, whether that is the antecedent or the consequence is dependent on what works best for your child, but we will get into that on another blog!

How can ABA help?

We can help you get started with learning exactly what to look for and how to record it. From there we work with you to understand what function the behavior(s) are serving and a plan to reduce those behaviors while increasing appropriate ones.

While there are more steps to changing behavior, this is the first one. Notice the ABC’s, then make a plan. You got this!


Kudoz to you!